That's a lot of cactus.

John's Visit -05/25 - 05/30/2016

Several things on his list of things to do were for National Historic Sites and State Parks.

Fort Ross Historic State Park -05/26/2016

What's New

Rosie the Riverter -05/30/2016

National Historic Park in Richmond was interesting.  There is a museum and a short movie to watch. The General Warehouse is in the vacinity and has nothing to do with Rosie.

Olompali State Historic Park - 05/29/2016

Redwood Hill Farm -05/22/2016

Always a fun day here romping with the goats and tasting cheese.

Bell in the cupola

Salt Point State Park -05/26/2016

Vallejo Houses -05/25/2016

A view from the trail overlooking the Petaluma River.

Helen Putnam -05/09/2016

It's cloudy these days.  I wasn't motivated to go to the park but felt better once I got there.  This place always picks me up. 

Is June gloom coming early this year due to El Nino??

I don't know what the flower is on the right.  I have not seen it here before.

Eugene O'Neill's Tao House and grounds - 05/28/2016

at the Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site in Danville.



John Muir house and grounds -05/28/2016

at the John Muir National Historic Site in Martinez.  Funny, I was surprised to see his house, as I have only envisioned him on a trail.

More pics to come, although they will have to compete with goat pics.  Redwood Hill farm has an open house tomorrow.

American Graffiti - 05/21/2016

I had a fun day walking around downtown Petaluma for the salute to American Graffiti. 

TIck tock -05/10/2016

I see it has been almost a month since I went to Bodega Bay to check out the wildflowers and planned to go back in a week or so.  It has been cloudy and not inviting.  I hope to go in a few days ...

Strange plants.  The first one is a pomegranate tree.  I'm sorry I don't know what the other two are.  I googled "fruit that looks like tennis ball" and got osage orange.  that would be one bumpy tennis ball.